Week 6: Lasso and Ridge Regression for Financial Analysis
Learning Objectives:
- Understand overfitting and the need for regularization in finance
- Master the fundamentals of Lasso (L1) and Ridge (L2) regularization
- Implement regularized regression for financial applications
- Optimize model parameters using cross-validation
- Interpret and utilize feature selection from Lasso
Core Resources:
1. Theoretical Foundations
2. Technical Implementation
- Scikit-learn Linear Models Documentation
- Lasso Implementation Guide
- Ridge Implementation Guide
- Cross-Validation Methods
3. Financial Applications
- Data Sources and Tools:
- Research Papers and Repositories:
Weekly Assignment
Due: End of Week 6
Option 1: Predicting Stock Returns with Regularization
- Data Preparation
- Use WRDS to obtain monthly stock returns and firm characteristics
- Include standard factors: Size, Book-to-Market, Momentum
- Add accounting ratios: ROE, Leverage, Asset Growth
- Prepare a panel dataset spanning at least 10 years
- Model Implementation
- Implement both Lasso and Ridge for return prediction
- Use expanding window cross-validation (to respect time series nature)
- Compare with standard OLS using out-of-sample R²
- Document the impact of different λ values
- Analysis
- Which features survive Lasso's variable selection?
- How do Ridge coefficients differ from OLS?
- Does prediction improve in high volatility periods?
Option 2: Research-Based Application
Design your own application of regularization in finance. Some suggestions:
- Risk Factor Selection
- Start with a large set of potential risk factors
- Use Lasso to identify the most important ones
- Compare with Fama-French factors
- Credit Risk Assessment
- Predict corporate defaults using accounting ratios
- Compare Lasso/Ridge with traditional models
- Evaluate prediction accuracy
Submission Requirements:
- Code with clear documentation
- Brief report including:
- Problem motivation and relevance
- Methodology and implementation details
- Results and interpretation
- Challenges encountered and solutions
- If choosing Option 2, include references to papers of similar applications
Implementation Tips:
Key Considerations:
- Scale features before applying regularization
- Use TimeSeriesSplit for financial data
- Consider the trade-off between bias and variance
- Document parameter selection process
- Be mindful of look-ahead bias in financial applications
- Consider computational efficiency for large datasets